Mission of Legacy Christian Academy
Legacy Christian Academy exists to provide a Biblically based, well-rounded, quality education in a loving environment. According to Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus is the ultimate authority. We are here to make disciples of all nations, through the teaching of our students and the partnership with the home.
Our mission is to reach out to children and their families and offer them the love of Christ. We desire every child in our program to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
Learning at LCA is a process of active exploration, stimulation and discovery. Students are continually encouraged to creatively explore their environment, to learn more about their world, to gain a better understanding of themselves and to learn about each other. Because of this philosophy, there are certain expectations of students that attend LCA.
Our Goals
- To teach that the Bible is the inspired and the only infallible authoritative Word of God, thus developing attitudes of love and respect toward it. (II Tim. 3:15-17; II Pet. 1:20, 21)
- To teach the basic doctrines of the Bible. (Titus 2:1)
- To provide opportunities for the student to confess Christ as Savior and Lord. (Rom. 10:9, 10)
- To teach the student to know and obey the will of God as revealed in the Scriptures, thus equipping the student to carry out God's will daily. (Rom. 12:1,2; II Tim. 2:15; Deut. 26:16, 17)
- To impart an understanding of each Christian’s place in the Body of Christ, and its worldwide mission, providing opportunities for the student's involvement in this task. (Eph. 4:12; I Cor. 12:1-31; Matt. 28:19, 20)
- To teach Biblical character qualities and provide opportunities for the student to demonstrate these qualities. (I Sam. 16:7; Gal. 5:22, 23)
- To teach the student how to develop the mind of Christ towards Godliness. (Phil. 2:5; I Tim. 4:7)
- To encourage the student to develop self-discipline and responsibility from God's perspective. (I Tim. 4:71; Cor. 9:24-27)
- To teach the student the respect for and submission to authority from God’s perspective. (Rom. 13:1-7; Heb. 13:17; Eph. 6:1-3)
- To help the student develop a Christian worldview by integrating life, and all studies, with the Bible. (II Peter 1:3)
- To teach the student how to hide God's Word in his heart through memorization and meditation. (Ps. l19:11;Ps.l:l-3)
- To teach the student how to study God's Word. (II Tim. 2:15)
- To help the student develop his self-image as a unique individual created in the image of God and to attain his fullest potential. (Ps. 139:13-16)
- To help the student to treat everyone with love and respect as unique individuals created in God’s image. (Phil. 2:1-4; Eph. 5:21)
- To teach the student how to become a contributing member of his society by realizing his need to serve others. (Gal. 5:13, Rom. 12: 10) '
- To teach the student Biblical skills for personal and social relationships. (Ps. 119:9; Eph 4:12)
- To teach the student the Biblical view of dating, marriage and the family. (I Thess. 4: l-7; I Tim. 4:12; Gen. 2:18-25; Eph. 5:22-33)
- To teach the student physical fitness, good health habits, and wise use of the body as the Temple of God. (I Cor. 6:19,20)
- To teach the student Biblical attitudes toward material things and his responsibility for using them to God's glory. (I Tim. 6:17-19; Matt. 6:19, 20; I Cor. 10:31)
- To teach the student an appreciation of the Fine Arts.
- To teach the student to understand and use the fundamental processes in communicating and dealing with others gifted to man by God(such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics). (II Cor. 5:20)
- To teach and encourage the student to use good study skills and habits. (II Tim. 2:3-7)
- To teach the student how to research and to reason logically from a Biblical perspective. (Heb. 5:14; Rom. 12:2)
- To teach the student creative and critical thinking based upon the proper use of Biblical criteria for evaluation. (II Tim. 3:14-17)
- To teach the student good citizenship through an understanding and appreciation of our Christian and American heritages (home, church, nation). (I Cor. 10:11; Rom. 13:1-7)
- To use current affairs in all areas, teaching the student how these affairs relate to God's plan for man. (Luke 21:36; 2 Chr. 7; Mt. 24:21-22; Rom. 12:2; Rom. 13:11)
- To teach the student an understanding of and an appreciation for God's world, developing an awareness of man's role in his environment and his God-given responsibility to subdue, use and preserve it properly. (Ps. 8:6; Heb. 2:6-8)